Corporate law is based on the laws or regulations that rule the relationship between companies, the State and the market in general. Legally consolidating a business is a delicate task that requires detailed planning, perseverance and dedication. TRIMONIUM has the experience and legal knowledge necessary; from the creation to the consolidation of your business.
All your company's corporate actions will be supported.
A solid foundation that allows your business to grow in an orderly manner.
Your institution will be prepared to partner with any strategic ally.
We ensure a continuous legal analysis that provides autonomy and freedom to your business.
We help you to establish and write the statutes of the company that best suit your interests and those of your partners so that your company is recognized in the RPC (Public Registry of Commerce)
We implement the principles and rules that regulate the design, integration and operation of the governing bodies of your company.
We analyze and advise on the transformation of your company; whether it is a transfer to another legal system, a merge between companies or a demerger.
We support with corporate and legal control by preserving and updating Partners Books, Corporate Agreements and all documents of your company.
We plan the acquisition of assets and services outside your company and analyze your best market option.
We boost companies in their growth by establishing policies and standards that regulate the company's performance and increase its value.
We design and implement management systems for the Prevention of Money Laundering, using manuals for the detection of illegal resources.